Elizabeth Salerno, PhD, MPH is a biobehavioral scientist with training in kinesiology and epidemiology. She is an Assistant Professor in the Division of Public Health Sciences and Department of Surgery at Washington University School of Medicine.
Her research focuses on the determinants and outcomes of physical activity behavior at the intersection of cancer and aging. Specifically, Dr. Salerno is interested in how physical activity and other lifestyle behaviors can be implemented into the standard of care to combat accelerated aging and improve cognitive, physical, and psychosocial health during survivorship. A large focus of her work is building community-based, scalable physical activity interventions to bring health benefits to all cancer patients.
Today we discuss her recent study on the relationship between cognition and physical activity in breast cancer patients that was published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, as well as other projects related to physical activity and cancer patients.
The ACSM exercise directory discussed in the podcast can be found here: https://www.exerciseismedicine.org/eim-in-action/moving-through-cancer/exercise-program-registry/.